.NET .NET 5 Web API + Blazor w/ Auth0 JWT & cookie authentication TL;DR: here's a repo that demonstrates .NET 5 WebAPI + Blazor + Auth0: https://github.com/jsauve/WebApiPlusBlazorWithAuth0JwtAndCookies In my spare time, I've been working on a Xamarin-based mobile app for my local arts & music community, for the last 18 months or so. Of course the
Apps for the 2017 Duluth Homegrown Music Festival now available! TL;DR I created iOS and Android apps for the 2017 Duluth Homegrown Music Festival ( @dhgmf / #hgmf17 [https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%23hgmf17%20%40dhgmf]). Get them here: iOS https://goo.gl/LCT1ZY Android https://goo.gl/KrDIiO Support If you have any questions or comments about
Remove obj and bin folders via OS X Finder I frequently find myself wanting to delete the bin and obj folders from my projects while developing in Xamarin on OS X. I usually do this by just deleting them manually via Finder. But there's too many clicks involved and too much room for error. So, why not
Async Dapper with async SQL connection management Dapper I just recently discovered the Dapper [https://github.com/StackExchange/dapper-dot-net] micro-ORM for doing data access in applications. I had been using Entity Framework [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/ef.aspx] (EF) 6 in the APIs of most of my apps. And don't get me wrong,
Comparing and Contrasting Native and Hybrid (HTML5) Mobile Apps Summary The development of mobile apps presents many challenges, the primary being: > How does one ensure that the deliverable of the development process is an app that experiences pervasive and positive engagement with the target users? In other words, how do I make sure that I create an app
Partial solar eclipse visible across MN this afternoon Weather conditions sound like they'll be perfect across MN this afternoon for viewing the partial solar eclipse. The event will begin at about 4:30pm and will peak right before the sun slips below the horizon around 5:30 - 6pm. Maximum eclipse will occur at 5:30pm.
Xamarin Insights: after only 5 minutes, it's already saving my arse One of the most exciting bits of news at Xamarin Evolve [https://evolve.xamarin.com/] 2014 last week in Atalanta was the announcement of Xamarin Insights [http://xamarin.com/insights], a new platform/service/libraries for gathering data from mobile apps on sessions, crashes, and events. And while there'
Deciphering the terminology in mobile development A rapidly developing industry yields a cacophony of terms The field of mobile app development (or simply "app development", as its known in the future) is one that's changing so fast, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the terms or be able
Using Xamarin.Auth with Xamarin.Forms   NOTE: This post is now over 3 years old. I strongly suggest you use something else, like Auth0 or some other
TriggeredQueue I'm working on a Xamarin iOS/Android mobile project in which the core view of the app displays some images and data from some web calls. The app designer didn't like the way that images loaded AFTER they scrolled onto the screen (think Facebook). So, I
Loading views dynamically from a xib in Xamarin.iOS When I first started doing MonoTouch development (later to become Xamarin.iOS), the ability to use XCode's Interface Builder (IB) was at the time a broken feature with MonoDevelop. Further, the framework that I was using at work for writing apps had it's own UI abstraction
Best-kept secret in Xamarin Studio: source code analysis similar to Resharper If you've ever usedReSharper [http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/] (or even CodeRush from DevExpress [http://www.devexpress.com/products/coderush/]) for Visual Studio, you know just how useful these development productivity tools are, and how you often wonder how you ever got along without them. Now, if you&
Got my own Xamarin iOS and Android licenses!!! So, I finally have my own licenses (subscriptions) for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android! This lets me feel good about the prospect of working on personal app projects, and not needing to use the employer's laptop and subscriptions to do it. The fresh subscriptions go quite nicely with
On the hell of status bars in iOS 7 I installed the new iOS 7 SDK and the corresponding Xamarin.IOS SDK. It was cool to have the iOS 7 simulator running on my laptop and be able to play with iOS 7 a little bit. However, hell ensued when I ran the app that I've been
The curious case of UIGestureRecognizers in scrollable views The iOS app I've been working recently is heavy on displaying lists of stuff, particularly lists of stuff with tap actions in the cells/views. I chose to use UICollectionViews instead of UITableViews. Similar to a UITableViewController, UICollectionViewController has a method that you need to override in order
Cisco VPN Client error: "Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter" So, this Cisco VPN error blighted my productivity for a few days: "Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter" Apparently, this is caused by the Cisco VPN installer placing the wrong adapter name in the registry during installation. Seriously??? A registry hack is what it takes to fix
Gotz me a bonafide Xamarin T-shirt! Just received a nice fat box of assorted Xamarin T-shirts for the crew at the office! Thanks to Erik Polzin at Xamarin for hookin' us up!!!
GitTfs: "Sequence contains no elements" I recently setup GitTfs at work because, while working on a cross-platform mobile project, my co-workers and I were beginning to have severe code conflicts using TFS (imagine that). One of the stumpers I ran into while setting it up was just the simple act of cloning the TFS repo
Xamarin releases an online tool for checking how mobile-friendly your existing .NET code is! [http://joesauve.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/monkey_big.png] When evaluating a new mobile project, the technical stakeholders will more than likely be asking the question, "How much of our existing code can be leveraged?" And rightly so; code re-use is one of the fundamental tenets of
Dispelling confusion about iOS provisioning profiles Understanding the nuances between the different types of iOS provisioning profiles (and how they relate to the different types of iOS Developer programs) can be a real pain. I never found a nice visual aid in Apple's documentation, so I decided to make my own: [https://docs.google.
Configure your WCF web service to omit the ".svc" on its URLs So, you have your fancy dancy .NET WCF service all completed and working nicely. But...it has that ugly ".svc" in the URL: http://YourSite.com/YourFancyWebService.svc/GetStuff Yeah...that looks gross. Let's make it prettier: http://YourSite.com/YourFancyWebService/GetStuff If you've
Xamarin Test Cloud [http://joesauve.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/26923230.jpg] Xamarin [http://xamarin.com/] announced Test Cloud [http://xamarin.com/test-cloud] last week. It's a cloud-based testing tool that allows you to run your app on a plethora of actual devices. Apparently, all of these devices are physically wired
Orchard: an open source .NET CMS with all the right stuff I just discovered Orchard CMS [http://orchardproject.net/], and I must say that based solely on the open source projects upon which it relies [http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Orchard-dependencies-and-libraries] , it looks like a GREAT platform. Namely, AutoFac [http://autofac.org/], Log4Net [http://logging.apache.org/log4net/], NHibernate [http://nhforge.